Indigo's A320-200neo runway excursion after touchdown

Indigo A320neo at Delhi goes on runway excursion after landing An Indigo Airbus A320-200N, registration VT-IZN performing flight 6E-2221 from Amritsar to Delhi (India), landed on Delhi's runway 28, slowed to taxi speed and taxied along the runway at about 40 knots over ground in order to vacate the runway via the last turnoff at 08:30L (03:00Z), however, missed the turn off and came to a stop with the nose gear past the runway end. About 25 minutes later the aircraft was pushed back onto the runway and towed to the apron. The airline reported the aircraft missed the exit taxiway after landing due to low visibility. Detailed flight information: Metars: VIDP 110600Z 25003KT 1100 R28/1200 R27/2000 R29R/2000 R29L/2000 HZ NSC 17/12 Q1023 NOSIG= VIDP 110530Z 28003KT 0900 R28/2000 R27/2000 R29R/2000 R29L/2000 MIFG NSC 15/11 Q1023 NOSIG= VIDP 110500Z 25004KT 0700 R28/2000 R27/1900 R29R/1700 R29L/2000 MIFG NSC 13/10 Q1023 BECMG 0800 MIFG= VIDP 1...