Jennifer Aniston's High School Style Is Surprising Given Her Girl-Next-Door Image

Jennifer Aniston might be the girl-next-door in real life and in the movies, but in high school, she took on an entirely different role. Just because adults appear a certain way as they get older, doesn't necessarily mean that they would have had the exact same style in their younger years as well.

 After all, styles and trends change all the time and just because something was trendy a few years ago, doesn't mean that it's still trendy now. Even if it isn't a matter of trends and is more about personal preference, this can still change as the person gets older and this is definitely the case with Jennifer Aniston. 

While these days she portrays the look of the girl-next-door in both her movies and in real life, Jennifer had an entirely different look during her high school days that might come as a shock to fans. Jennifer Aniston Went To A Waldorf School One fact about Jennifer that even the biggest of fans might not know about her is that she attended a Waldorf school. 

This is a bit like Montessori schools, except that Waldorf schools focus on a holistic approach to teaching and pay the most attention to children's spiritual development, morality, creativity, and independence. 

 It is essentially a type of school that has a play-based approach to learning and Jennifer is one of a number of celebrities who have attended this type of school. Other celebrities who have gone to a Waldorf school include Sandra Bullock, Anna Paquin, Harvey Keitel, and Julianna Margulies.

 Jennifer Aniston Was A Goth In High School High school is different for everyone. Many people use this as a time to experiment with their style. In some cases, this is down to personal choice, and in others, it's down to whatever is cool and trendy at the time, especially if that's the style that the popular kids are wearing.

 For Jennifer, this was a time that was all about her experimenting with her own style, mostly down to her own personal choice. Jennifer went to high school during the 1980s, which was a time when there was big hair, big shoulder pads, and a lot of color. J

ennifer, however, decided to go down a bit of a different route with her own style. While her Friends character Rachel Green was very fashion-forward and was up-to-date with the latest trends and styles, Jennifer took on a totally different look, which was to look like a goth.


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