TV Star Kaley Cuoco and Other Carpal Tunnel Moms, Try This Doctor’s Advice

 Kaley Cuoco may be the latest celebrity to be afflicted, but just about any new mom might be a candidate for carpal tunnel syndrome.

 The painful condition affects arms, hands and wrists – not ideal when a parent’s job description involves frequent lifting. Doctors at UVA Health all-too-frequently encounter patients with the problem.

 “Symptoms of carpal tunnel are a common complaint in the obstetrician’s office,” University of Virginia obstetrician-gynecologist Dr. Chantal Scott said. “Most patients have not experienced these symptoms prior to pregnancy, and it can be quite alarming to them.”

 She noted that the condition is typically transient following pregnancy and will resolve within weeks to months after delivery. Why does carpal tunnel happen to moms, and what can be done about the condition? Dr. Bobby Chhabra,

 an orthopedic surgeon at UVA Health to whom Scott and other doctors refer patients with persistent, unresolved pain, answered UVA Today’s burning (and numb and tingling) questions.


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