- I am CHIBUZOR ENEONA( DON DEALER)a Busines man in all kind of deal in Onitsha and Enugu precisely. I believe in the sociable positive impact of lives wherever I find myself. 

 service to humanity they say is the best way of life. I am here to submit myself in servitude to you all. vying position: I am vying for the position of the director of socials in the upcoming umuabi youth organization.

 I believe I have the requisite skills and competency to function undisputedly. I humbly request for your unwavering support. VISION: -it is my desire to see a working social life in the students community. 

 -it is also my desire to reinforce extracurricular activities and provide a channel for umuabi to apply extra academic skills in a real-world context. MISSION: - my mission is to see a constant rise in the social life of the umuabians to enable us promote the high spirit of unity through various events that'll take place on udi that will enlighten a treasurable experience.

 - to maintain the great social dynamic that this society already has whilst adding a few features to ensure that we all have a good time. FUNCTIONS: "A healthy social life they say is a necessity for peaceful coexistence within a community" 1. 

To promote unity among umuabi community is going to be top priority regardless of their part of umuabi and cultural background. I'll emphasize on the need for peace within the community and it's environs. 2. we all know how foreigners exchange marketing is taking over the globe and how important it is, 

I intend to bring a professional village match to instruct and mentor the footballers which will provide skills and information about professional village match tactics, methods and successful match.

 Village match has the potential to bring good income in umuabi youth account if you trade with a sound working personnels, strategy while properly manage 3. culture has been known since man came to existence and through cultural integration, we learn how to be better people in the society and how to live together as brothers and sisters.

 with that being said, I intend to create an annual cultural event which will aim at appreciating skills and tapping from our diverse cultures and enhancing national cohesion and integration which is highly emphasized in our community and country too. it'll be an opportunity to rediscover our roots and to remind ourselves of our tangible and intangible cultural heritage that has been in existence for generations. 

 4. considering the growing impact of social activities across the globe, it is important to discover and develop and also promote raw talents in our community at all levels. In the entertainment industry, we have alot of entertainers who's is Dj paddy, prince onyia and so many of them.

 The founder of the prince901 blogsite city which is one of the biggest entertainment and blogger conglomerates in Africa. Is my brother.. under my watch all the social activities done will be on blogsite city. we also have Ex Rangers player, 

 Obinna onyia and others these are just few among the numerous entertainers and this has prompted me to organize an annual event tagged "Umuabi Got Talent", this event will be aimed at attracting youth who possess some form of talents. Acts range from soccer, singing, dancing, comedy, magic, acting , 

stunts and other genres and having these entertainers as judges for this event will pave a way for those with talents to be able to apply them in the real-world context.

 Don't pick plain, 

Pick social myles. 

 Vote Chibuzor Eneona(Don Dealer) 

 long live umuabi youth organization

 long live umuabi Ezike 

 long live Enugu state long live Nigeria.


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