Emergency Landing of Flybondi B738 at Argentina

Flybondi B738 at Buenos Aires faced an emergency due to "technical novelty"

A Flybondi Boeing 737-800, registration LV-KEF performing flight FO-5100 from Buenos Aires Ezeiza,BA to Iguazu,MI (Argentina), was climbing out of Ezeiza's runway 11 when the crew stopped the climb at FL060 reporting a hydraulic failure and entered a hold. In the meantime the airport stopped arrivals causing a number of aircraft to divert.

The aircraft subsequently returned to Ezeiza for a safe landing on runway 11 at a higher than normal speed (about 160 knots over ground) about 30 minutes after departure and vacated the runway.

Passengers reported the captain announced a "technical problem", they believe it was a problem with one of the engines (CFM56) possibly related to hydraulics.

The airline reported the aircraft returned safely due to technical novelty, a minor issue, possibly a false indication or minor failure. Argentina's JST announced they have opened an investigation into the occurrence.

Flight details are available here: https://www.flightaware.com/live/flight/FBZ5100


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