Video shows Harry, Meghan ‘unimpressed’ by ‘cheap seats’ at Bob Marley movie premiere: ‘Life on the D-list’

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry hit the red carpet for the premiere of “Bob Marley: One Love” in Jamaica earlier this week — but the couple’s seats at the glitzy event were anything but VIP. New video shows Meghan,

 42, and Harry, 39, looking taken aback as ushers stopped at least three rows from the front to give them their seats. Harry appeared to be confused by their seating assignment, 

while Meghan was forced to bundle up her glamorous black gown and squeeze into the tight-fitting spot. OMG. Overdressed and sitting in cheap seats… Where was Jamaican PM sitting?”

 another ticked user wrote. “Dressed to the nines, but made to sit among the regular folks… Should have worn a button down and jeans,” a third sassily said.


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