Birds, the kings of the sky grounds Air New Zealand DH8C; resulting in rejected takeoff

ANZ DH8C at Timaru on Feb 7th 2024, rejected takeoff

An Air New Zealand Dash 8-300, registration ZK-NEF performing flight NZ-8190 from Timaru to Wellington (New Zealand), was accelerating for takeoff from Timaru's runway 02 when the crew rejected takeoff at high speed (above 100 knots over ground). The aircraft slowed and came to a stop at the end of the runway.

The airline reported the crew rejected takeoff over concerns due to bird activity around the aerodrome. The aircraft stopped on the runway and will remain there until procedures are being completed.

New Zealand's CAA reported they have been notified about the occurrence and have in turn notified New Zealand's TAIC (Transport Accident Investigation Commission).

New Zealand's TAIC stated they have opened an inquiry into the occurrence stating that the aircraft aborted an attempted takeoff at speed and stopped at the end of the runway.

ADS-B data suggest that the aircraft's nose gear may have gone past the runway end onto soft ground.

Timaru unattended aerodrome features a runway 02/20 with an ASDA of 1280 meters/4200 feet. The aerodrome chart contains a note: "CAUTION: Bird hazard. Birds seasonally on aerodrome and larger number present on the outlying fields when irrigation or cultivation taking place."

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