Cracked windshield on Smartlynx Malta B738 MAX in-flight

Smartlynx Malta B738M near Stuttgart having a cracked windshield

A Smartlynx Airlines Malta Boeing 737-800 MAX on behalf of THY Turkish Airlines, registration 9H-CHA performing flight TK-7750 from Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen (Turkey) to Stuttgart (Germany), was descending through about FL280 towards Stuttgart when the crew reported a crack had developed in one of their windshields. 

The aircraft continued for a safe landing on Stuttgart's runway 25 about 25 minutes later.

The aircraft remained on the ground in Stuttgart for about 5.5 hours, then performed the return flight TK-4381 to Sabiha Gokcen Airport and is now still on the ground in Istanbul about 16 hours after landing in Istanbul.

Detailed flight information:


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