Oh birds, let Air New Zealand go! Second rejected takeoff

ANZ DH8C at Timaru rejects takeoff

An Air New Zealand de Havilland Dash 8-300, registration ZK-NEP performing flight NZ-8190 from Timaru to Wellington (New Zealand), was accelerating for takeoff from Timaru's runway 02 when the crew rejected takeoff at high speed (about 100 knots over ground). 

The aircraft slowed safely and returned to the apron. The aircraft was able to depart about 45 minutes later and reached Wellington with a delay of about one hour. 

The aircraft was finally cleared for takeoff about 50 minutes later. The airline reported the crew rejected takeoff (again) due to winged wildlife.

This is the second rejected takeoff within 24 hours at Timaru

See also Incident: ANZ DH8C at Timaru on Feb 7th 2024, rejected takeoff.


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