United's B757-200 slat got damaged in-flight

United B752 near Denver had its slat damaged in-flight

A United Boeing 757-200, registration N57111 performing flight UA-354 from San Francisco,CA to Boston,MA (USA) with 165 people on board, was enroute at FL310 about 100nm northwest of Denver,CO (USA) when the crew decided to divert to Denver after passengers observed slat damage to the right hand wing. 

The aircraft landed safely on Denver's runway 16R about 25 minutes later.

A replacement Boeing 757-200 registration N34137 reached Boston with a delay of about 3.5 hours.

The FAA reported the aircraft diverted to Denver after the crew reported a possible flap issue.

Detailed flight information: https://flightaware.com/live/flight/UAL354/history/20240219/2155Z/KSF



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm wondering why -as an aviation journalist- you used the for the cover/caption of this article/report, a picture of a United Airlines Boeing 737 instead of a United Airlines Boeing 757


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