West Atlantic; stuck rudder

West Atlantic ATR-72-200 experienced rudder restriction

A West Atlantic Avions de Transport Regional ATR-72-200, registration G-NPTF performing flight NPT-07B from East Midlands, to Belfast International, was enroute when the aircraft suffered restricted rudder travel. 

The aircraft continued to Aldergrove airport for a safe landing on runway 25 about one hour after departure.

The UK AAIB rated the occurrence a serious incident and opened an investigation, also stating that the rudder travel restriction continued after landing and during taxi.

The aircraft is still on the ground in Belfast 9 days after the landing.

On Jan 17th 2023 the aircraft had suffered electrical issues keeping the aircraft on the ground for about a week.

On Mar 7th 2024 the AAIB reported: "During the landing flare the flight crew encountered a rudder control restriction and used nose wheel steering for directional control on the runway. 

Examination of the aircraft the following day revealed that the rudder was almost immoveable, either using the rudder pedals in the cockpit or by physically pressing on the rudder itself. 

The investigation is nearing completion and has focused on determining the reason for the restriction in the rudder control system."


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