While climbing out of Viracopos, Azul Linhas Aereas had a bird strike

Azul E195 at Sao Paulo faced a bird strike 

An Azul Linhas Aereas Embraer ERJ-195, registration PR-AXP performing flight AD-4316 from Sao Paulo Viracopos, to Uberlandia (Brazil), was climbing out of Viracopos' runway 33 when a bird impacted the nose of the aircraft prompting the crew to stop the climb at FL150 and return to Viracopos for a safe landing on runway 33 about 25 minutes after departure. 

The aircraft sustained a slightly re-arranged nose cone.

A replacement Embraer ERJ-195-E2 registration PS-AEG reached Uberlandia with a delay of about 4.5 hours.

The occurrence aircraft is still on the ground at Viracopos about 21 hours after landing back.

Detailed flight information: https://www.flightaware.com/live/flight/AZU4316


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